Home Sweet Home, Harpocrates & A Grain Of Salt (Part 1)

Bobcat Logic Show #101 May 23, 2017

Part One of a Four Part Series dealing with the early history of Texas and the Texas Cherokees. I’m going to shine my light on the backgrounds and doings of some of the non-native peoples who populate the story of the Texas Cherokees. Maybe, by their style of play, choice of gambits and tempo we may guess at the Masters engaged in the actual contest. I had blood on both sides of this struggle and that has taught me not to hate, but rather to learn, to understand and finally, to remember.Being a Texas Cherokee was and is a complicated thing. Feelings run deep, written records are scarce and there were many agendas at play. Cherokee blood has been mixed for four hundred years.Featuring songs: Custer -Johnny Cash and Cherokee People -Paul Revere And The Raiders.